Friday, September 17, 2010

He's the man

When he announced the opening of the school for premarital pregnancy kids. The first response was this will encourage out of marital intercourse. ............. believe me that non of these kids wanted to be pregnant out of marital ties....
'Youth is easily deceived because it is quick to hope'.
For me the response was even more juvenile than the kids.
From 2000 to 2008, Babies born out of marital ties.
Selangor = 12,836
Perak = 9,788
Kuala Lumpur = 9,439
Johor = 8,920
Sabah = 8,435
Negeri Sembilan = 4,108
Pahang = 3,677
Kedah = 3,496
Pulau Pinang = 3,412
Melaka = 2,707
Kelantan = 1730
Perlis = 691
Sarawak = 617
Terengganu = 574
TOTAL = 70,430 .Source : Topix

 I do not look up to politicians, but i'm making exceptions from time to time. What has i always believed is "Society is a reflection of ourselves'. If we keep denying the existence of the problem. Then we are no better than the young, clueless kids who deny the responsibility ,whom we called murderers and sinners.

Take other example of the murder of Susilowati, How much does the society enjoys violences in the movies. How many of us was amazed by how cool Denzel in 'American Gangster'? If you ever think of changing the society. Then you should know where to start.

He is providing hope. Something that we never heard before in our youth. Do not succumbs to punishment and judgement. If repentance is a way to live. Then we might as well kill these kids, burn them and throw their ashes in the sea. Make sure we kill the father as well.

"Politics has no relation to morals"
I will rejoice any day of the year when someone prove Machiavelli is wrong. Just die niccolo..

Wednesday, September 15, 2010


It was dark, it was late, it was cold. A couple were pushing their bike up and down the hill. A typical mind would first thought ‘Alamak hantu!’. That’s what I thought and that also makes me typical. Hee

It took me 200 metres before I make a turn to lend a helping hand. They run out of gas!. How can I help? Can I buy you gas? Can I send one of you home first? Can I escort till there’s light? None of them were taken because the uncle said their house is nearby. Or at least that’s what I heard, there were buzz of insects from the bushes nearby. And believe me that he could not put it in much politer words. So I continue my journey as I was always in a rush.

I was home and looking at my 6 foot mirror. ‘thoughts’ They are suspicious! They thought I would rob them or something! That’s explain why the auntie suddenly hide behind the uncle because I could remember that she’s was quite a distance from him when I first saw them. Who could blame them? It was 11.00pm dark and quite.

We lived in suspicious world. Trained hearts to put trust as the last option in any decision we made. Let it be love, let it be life, let it be work. Hell, it took me 200 meters before I turn. I even thought that maybe they were thieves in disguises. How pathetic was that? We don’t trust beggars as somewhere few years every one of them is a part of a syndicate. We don’t trust our work as if we are living in a rat race. The suspicion goes beyond race, age, gender and even family bonds.

A word from a guy to a girl always perceived as an act of sexually driven
A word from a girl to a guy as an indicators of how ‘gatal’ she are.
An act of compliments from a boss is always manipulative
A gesture of welcome is there’s something fishy
A simple act of helping is too good to be true
Safe zone drawn and outside is a jungle (would that make us animals?)

By the way, that night. I was in my torn 501 and my Harley Davidson tees. Duh..