Tuesday, October 26, 2010


I could rave for the next 1000 words on how do we forget things. Though you might forget it the momemt you close this.

We wish we could choose what we forget..
We wish we dont need organizer.
We choose not to admit we forgot when we are reminded.

I enjoy being forgetful. at least it shows that i cared for something else meaningful.

Forgiven but not forgotten. and i got that from the most unusual source

Friday, October 15, 2010


Demam panas.

38? Sepatutnya dia tulis 39.3 . Oleh kerana doctor tu malas nak buat reference letter suruh admit diriku. Maka dia tulis 38. hehhe. Dah biasa demam panas camni. This year alone its 2nd time. Used to take me 2 or 3 years before the next one. Tanda tanda demam panasku

1)     Ada satu mimpi yang sama dari kecik sampai besar panjang macamni
2)     Fearless. Memang tak takut apa apa pun. Cakap je. Boleh jalan jalan pukul 1, 2 pagi ditempat yang tak masuk akal
3)     Meracau. Hahahaaha memalukan yo
4)     Mengerekot. Badan lenguh lenguh

Jaga diri dulu weh. Takyah keje kuat sangat.

Best demam ni takpayah hisap rokok..